Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Forgotten Stuff


Just came across an article stating that "US Steel to close old mills and plants." 

Oh no, I thought, I hope they're not talking about the 6 new manufacturing facilities former President Trump boasted about way back in 2018 at one of his Bund rallies in Tampa, Florida (naturally).

The astute among you, or those who like me have been stricken with Long Term TDS, know that wild claim was just that. Or in the street vernacular that has replaced civil talk in the political arena -- it's Bullshit.

There never were 6 new plants opened by US Steel in the year 2018. Of course the rabid crowd, perhaps affected by the sweltering brain-melting Florida heat, couldn't care less whether it was true of not. They just needed a cue to savor their savior and shout: USA, USA, USA !!!

In the pantheon of Trump's misdeeds and denigration of the office of the presidency, the US Steel flim flammery is way down on the list. It took a current headline about the whiny CEO at US Steel, a man who makes more than 10 million dollars a year and is obviously incapable of leadership -- "we don't have enough money to keep the old plants running" -- to jog my rapidly failing memory.

In fact, when it comes to cataloguing all of Trump's douchebaggery, my brain is increasingly looking like a basement bathroom at Mara Lago. 

A grab bag of recollections mixed in with some old fat guy T-shirts and socks I never wore.

Between the Insurrection, the two impeachments, the endless harping about "rigged elections" and so much more, it's easy to forget the day-to-day diarrhea-like deluge of his delinquency. (sorry, I'm a sucker for alliteration)

Remember this:

You forgot about Greenland, didn't you? None of us can be faulted for that. I'm sure the Greenlandians, Greendlanders, Greens (?), have not. They escaped being a punchline to yet another Trump folly he thought would put him up there with Seward and his now genius decision to purchase Alaska.

Fun fact I discovered while browsing at a Ketchikan bookstore on my recent trip: The US government invested billions of dollars in Alaska, and willingly trained pilots, in the 1960's as a bulwark against Cold War Russian aggression in the far west.

I have digressed.

According to Trump's plan, the US would acquire Greenland from Denmark in exchange for Puerto Rico, which he considered to be a nuisance. Sovereignty, national pride, the lives of the people affected, were never considered. To him, like everything else, they were just props, that he could trade and swap like properties on a Monopoly board or baseball cards. 

How disposable were the people of Puerto Rico? Did you also forget this?

This is the President of the United States of America tossing paper towels to the survivors of a hurricane that left 3.4 million people without food, water and communications!

At the time, I thought there is no bottom to this man's depravity. That was 6 years before last week's Arlington Cemetery incident.

There is no god.


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