Monday, August 26, 2024

You're what?

They're undecided. I'm confused.

How does anyone in their right minds reach this point, a mere 75 days away from the most important election in our lifetime, and still not know which way to pull the lever?

Many presidential elections often come down to "choosing the lesser of two evils." 

This is not that case. 

There is one evil, a man convicted of 34 state charges. He was also impeached twice. Found civilly liable for a case of sexual assault. Fined $25 million for running a scam university. And a host of other reprehensible behaviors that qualify him for the Most Evil "Man" on Planet Earth. 

The other candidate is 180 degrees from evil. 

You may disagree with some of her political stances, but you can't legitimately argue she's evil. Moreover she just picked a running mate who in addition to being a veteran and a school teacher, is also the father to a 17 year old son who we just learned is neurodivergent.

In the past few days, we've seen supporters of the Evil Candidate, publicly mock and shame that son who could not contain the pride and love he has for his father with the tearful outburst, "That's my Dad!"

My two daughters see some of my shoe choices, roll their eyes and say the same thing, but never in the same tone of voice.

The point is, these are two different camps of people. Clearly I'm in the second camp. And though I can't comprehend people in the first camp willing to put a lying, ignorant grifter back in the White House, I do understand the attraction. Some folks are attracted to the dark side of human nature. 

The same kind of people who like gory movies, or even snuff films. They're drawn to Mixed Martial Arts and drool at the possibility of seeing a knockout. Or a limb twisted into unnatural angles. They worship strength, or more accurately, the blustery, blowhard illusion of strength. 

Oddly enough, these are the same people who profess to follow Jesus.

In short, the two candidates are as different as a three week old puppy and and angry porcupine.

So how does one land in the Undecided Camp? Have their moral compasses been demagnetized? Have their cerebrums been detached from the cerebellums? Are they suffering from some kind of Sybil Syndrome? 

I feel sorry for the political operatives/strategists/planners, in both camps, who will be staying up late at night, poring through the mined data, and attempting to come up with an approach that will sway the stubbornly unswayable.

Frankly, that's going to harder than selling Infiniti automobiles. 

1 comment:

  1. Half the eligible voters won't even vote. It's all about getting people to the voting booth.
