Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nosetramus predicts (misspelling intentional)

"Rich, you should be a political strategist," so says my friend Jim, who was visiting for the weekend, during one of our many world-solving discussions.

What brought on such praise other than the fact that I had introduced him to my local Homestate Cafe, home of the best damn brisket tacos north of El Paso. 

I had simply laid out my scenario for the failing Trump campaign, now floundering and considering a retreat from the September 10 debate with the woman who possesses twice his IQ.

First there's the pressing issue of Abortion.

Not for women. It's abundantly clear that, according to the GOP, women have no right of body sovereignty. Nor any right to determine what they can and can't do as far as fate. 

Men, on the other other have every right to direct their future. And it is also abundantly clear that the Convicted Felon/Republican Presidential Candidate will abort the vice presidential campaign of Jethro T CouchDefiler.

Vance will be out. (He won't be fired and there won't be any mea culpa on the part of the Orange Menace, they will concoct a plausible reason why he must step aside. That's how politicians roll.)

I would bet serious money or the remaining value on my 2015 Audi S5 that the hillbilly will be crying into a half emptied jug of Ohio-brewed moonshine.

In his place, and wearing high heels, will step Nimaratta Haley, sometimes called Nikki. Sometimes called Nancy Pelosi by the Challenged One. 

I know she has previously said she wouldn't consider the offer. But Nikki has said a lot of things she never meant. Again, that's what politicians do. On both sides of the aisle. He will dangle that offer in front of her and she will snap that up like a fat guy at a Golden Corral looking at the last 2 chicken wings in the buffet line.

If she happens to demure. He will offer her a Faustian deal.

Because here's the truth -- he doesn't want the job. He wants to step into the office and pardon himself, thereby escaping any accountability and a lifetime of soggy prison lasagna.

"Can I get any ketchup?"

Once he is off the hook and beyond the reach of the law, I believe he will gladly hand her the reins of power. 

When the Democrats raise bloody hell, and make no mistake they will, he will simply claim that the precedent was set when Uncle Joe stepped aside and passed the torch onto Kamala. 

In a month's time following Trump's only peaceful transfer of power, the whole sordid affair will vanish. And then the GOP can get back to their Neanderthal agenda of a federal abortion ban, rescinding marriage rights for gay people, burning books, and passing out AR 15's to every man, woman and child in America. 

Well, just the white Christian ones.

PS. You heard it here first.

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