Wednesday, May 15, 2024

On taking the high road

Heard an expression the other day, "You get more bees (or flies,) with honey than you will vinegar." OK, I didn't just hear that the other day. I heard it a very long time ago. But I just started paying attention to it recently.

And living it. 

The rewards are already starting to reveal themselves.

As some of you know, months ago I semi-retired from the ad biz. It wasn't an active decision. It's just that there's so little demand for freelance copywriters. And even less demand for cranky, curmudgeonly 66 year old freelance copywriters. So the business retired me. 

Which is fine because I don't want to spend my last remaining years on terra firma writing crappy emails, 35 character banner ads and even shorter 12 character Calls to Action. I've got better things to do with my time. Well...maybe I don't, but I'm done dealing with middle management twatwaffles.

"Be nice Rich. Remember honey, not vinegar."

To occupy my time, I took to becoming a Senior Influencer/Amazon Affiliate Marketer. That effort has not skyrocketed like I once imagined it would. Mostly because I haven't put much effort into it. Semi-retired life keeps me extraordinarily busy. 

But what little effort I did exert is now paying dividends. For example, months ago I wrote a glowing review of the Quad Lock Bike Mount/Battery Pack. You can find it here.  

It is by far the most efficient, stable and bike-mountiest of all the bike mounts I have sampled. And I said as much in my glowing review. Three weeks ago, the battery pack, which adds a good 1/2 day's juice to my iPhone's planned obsolescence battery, stopped batterying. 

Meaning I found myself tethered to some electrical outlet most the day.

I wrote to the good folks at Quad Lock and told them of my issue. I also told them that I had gone out of my way to pimp (and sell) their gear through this very blog. I asked them where I could purchase a new battery pack to replace the one that had become a paper weight. And within nano-seconds the friendly Quad Lock customer Service Representative said a new one was on its way to Culver City.


The old Rich Siegel, the vinegary one, would have sent a salty missive possibly threatening the Quad Lock company with smalls claims litigation. Not to mention and even more colorful R17 blog piece ripping them limb from limb. (Maybe I've been watching too much REACHER on Prime Video)

But the new Rich Siegel, learning newer, softer, sweeter ways, now has an extra battery pack at his disposal that somehow feels even more satisfying than the original. 


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