Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Bedminster Chronicles Part II

 As you may recall, last week I decided it would be a good idea to give my nephew Ira Cohen a magnificent Bar Mitzvah at ex-President Trump's exclusive Bedminster Country Club. 

You can see the correspondence here.

And for several days, I never heard back. Well the squeaky golf cart wheel gets the oil, so I tried again.

Well, that seemed to get their attention, as I heard back immediately from Amanda Gazi, the events director at this fabulously world class resort.

And while I was disappointed to hear their seating capacity was diminished because of the Democratic, Covid, I need little in the way of motivation to continue my pursuit.

Turns out Amanda was not clear in her response and needed to set the table straight, as it were.

Now, we're talking real problems. How do you throw a proper bar mitzvah with only 75 guests. It'll end up looking like Precedent Shitgibbon's sad farewell at JBA.

The good news is now they want to pitch me the club membership. This could get interesting.

Stay Tuned.

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