Monday, January 18, 2021

The Abomination

Did you ever watch this show?

I'm ashamed to admit it but when it first aired in the thick of the Reality TV phenomena, and while my daughters were young enough to sit in the living room with their parents, I embarrassingly did.

It was, for lack of a better term, a Shit Show. 

And my red hot hatred for this man grew even hotter. Mostly for passing himself off as a businessman. 

"I'm not a real businessman, I just play one on TV."

To a 6 or 7 year old little girl, his schtick might have passed muster. Oh look, he wears a suit, people walk behind him. He sits on a throne. And everyone defers to him because his words -- the best words -- are so important.

His business acumen was, and still is, as thin as the gold plating on his 5th Ave toilet bowl. 

He knows nothing about profit and losses. Correction, he knows quite a bit about losses. He never managed inventory, distribution, manufacturing, or payroll. He was his own board of directors. And flailed every which way, dependent on his sugar and adderall intake.

I suppose you could argue he know a little about marketing, my arena of "expertise." Only because his name and his "brand" were so recognizable. But again it was all a farce. And I know this first hand because one of my unnamed clients actually made an appearance on his little Shit Show. Not for real business advice, but for exposure on national TV. 

Months later, a colleague running the creative department for a large auto company also stood next to the Donald.

Go back on YouTube and watch Season 1 and 2 (if you've got the stomach) of this flim flamming, know nothing grifter. Like the last four years, you'll see his demeanor is childish. His self absorption is without limit. And his hair, a tonsorial defiance of all the laws of modern physics.

But what you'll see most of, is his unabashed pugilism. He loves the fight. He lives for the fight. And he does everything to pit people against each other. You can imagine how orgasmic he was as the unwashed masses raided the elitists in the Capitol building, busted furniture, soiled the surroundings and exhibited the piggish behavior of a bunch of kindergartners. All on his deranged behalf.

Mostly, he pits people against each other so he can reward the alpha character and humiliate the beta. To him, that's business.

"You didn't stand up for yourself, you're fired."

"You let him walk all over you, you're fired."

"You backed down, you can never back down, you're fired."

It's Saturday morning as I write this. Four  L    O   N   G days until the Constitution takes away his toys and sends him to his room. I don't know what's going to happen between now and then. But I do know he will fight until the end.

That's who he is.

That's all he is.

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