Monday, January 4, 2021

A fresh start

 Happy New Year everybody.

How cathartic is that? Everything feels completely different. 

Except we're still stuck in our homes. We're still not showering regularly. We're still wearing T-shirts and flip flops. We're still masking up every time we leave the house (my daughters and wife mask up every time I use the bathroom). People are still dieing by the thousands. And our fascist dictator is still trying to set fire to the Constitution.

One thing is noticeably different, I'm unemployed again. 

For the last 8 months I had been permalancing at Dollar Shave Club. My gig there ended at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. And though I had been reluctant to talk about it --mostly for fear of running afoul of their legal team -- it was a bit of a Cinderella story.

In short, a great, great chapter in my cobbled-together, less-than-impressive career as an underachieving copywriter. 

As most of you know, Dollar Shave Club places a premium on humor. The company was literally hatched and launched into our pop culture by a YouTube video that went viral before going viral was even a thing. 

You can see CEO, and genuinely funny guy, doing his thing here

There wasn't a day that went by, thanks to thousands of Zoom calls, that we weren't laughing hysterically and tossing about great ideas that would blow up the ad world. 

In fact, I got to partner with two great creatives, Matt Orser, who I worked with at RP& and the thunder from down under, CCO Matt Knapp, on some really fun projects, which again I cannot talk about. But will in due time.

Of course when Flying Spaghetti Monster closes one door he/she/it often opens another. And in my case then exclaims, "Good god man, what have you been eating? Light a candle, damnit."

In the last three weeks I've done projects, for separate agencies, for two of the kids -- now Creative Directors -- who used to work for me. As well as a Japanese production company who, for reasons still unknown, chose my name out of the millions of freelance copywriters to help on an assignment. 

I have done several projects for Japanese agencies. And I must say I find it very refreshing. Particularly the professional courtesies and respect rarely afforded freelance copywriters. 

Suffice to say, I am entering this new year with a sense of buoyancy, perhaps unwarranted. 

In three weeks we will have a new president, barring any nuclear conflagration or any internal insurrections. Vaccines will soon be coursing through our veins. And with any luck I will soon be applying my ample supply of Dollar Shave Club products to my face, head, back and shoulders, ready to climb out of my self imposed hermitic state.

And until one of the many irons, I have in the fire, pans, out, I am at your disposal for any and all freelance work. 

As long as it doesn't interfere with my on-retainer work for Harry's House of Catheters.

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