Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fuck you 2020

What a year it was. One for the books. One that we will always remember. No matter how hard we try to forget it.

It was for instance, the first year my social media efforts resulted in semi-virality. The picture above got picked up, retweeted by John Cusack and several other twitter celebrities, and my mailbox filled up immediately with, "Are you seeing what's going on with your picture?"

Between the Coronavirus, the Election, work, house remodeling, work, finances, and health issues, it would be impossible to click and clack at my keyboard and do it any justice.

Plus it would take too long and these email blasts aren't going to write themselves.

I've decided instead to let the pictures do the talking. (you can even write your own captions if you so desire.

So with that we conclude this year's postings, rantings, ramblings and other miscellanies. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A happier new year than 2020. 

And let's be honest, that bar is pretty damn low.

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