Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Silver Lining Effect

Let's be frank and personal, this year has not brought a lot of good news. At least for me.

It started with what I thought was a case of food poisoning. But since Ms. Muse suffered no ill effects from the previous night's dinner, I had ruled out that diagnosis. And came to believe it was the dreaded Norovirus.

No sooner had I emerged from what seemed like weeks on the ceramic throne, and shed at least 10 lbs. from a misplaced appetite, I was struck with the Flu. Not just any flu, but the one that was engineered by crafty Chinese scientists to make me pray for my maker to call me home. 

Of course being militantly agnostic/atheist, that would have been some trick.

Suffice it to say that Flu was a mofo. Between the chills, the spiking fever and the inability to climb out of bed, it was sufficient to make me think resting in peace for all of eternity was not such a bad game plan after all.

Enough, right? Well a week or so after my Flu recovery, I had slipped on my sometimes slippery Trek (manufactured woodlike product) deck that supports the hot tub in back yard. I fell so hard on my ass that I couldn't move for 15 minutes. Plus I was naked as a jaybird and could not really summon for any help.

"I've fallen and I can't put my clothes on." 

That tumble left me with me with a knot in my back that could hold its own with Gordian's.

More recently, and perhaps you're tired of hearing about it, I had a THR, that's medical jargon for Total Hip Replacement and the installation of the Cobalt/Chromium/Titanium new joint. I was unable to locate the actual name of the unit but let's just call it the CCT 9000. In accordance with my belief that any product name followed by a number connotes higher quality.

Upon discharge and my ongoing convalescence there have been chills, night sweats, low grade fever and a bout of opioid-related constipation that need not be discussed at any further length. Thankfully, no pipes from my house to the main sewer line on Le Bourget Ave were damaged.

So, you're thinking where is the Silver Lining in all this?

I'm happy to say that all this kvetching has been delightfully counterbalanced with some kvelling.

As some of you may or may not know, I operate a small airbnb in Palm Springs. Because I entered the hospitality business later, I was only able to secure a Junior Certificate, meaning I am limited to renting the place out only 6 times a year. As such, it is in my best interest to get longer stays for maximum revenue. And last night, from out of the blue, I got an email from a woman who wants to rent the joint for 9 nights for her mother and her mother's friend.

Having two older ladies as guests is the equivalent of hitting the airbnb jackpot. There'll be no wild parties. No destruction of furniture. No excessive noise which could upset the neighbors. I just have to make sure there's plenty of Talcum Powder in the bathrooms.

The Silver Lining gets even better, because it's only March 6th and I've already secured 5 of my possible 6 rental bookings for the year. 

Maybe that 6th booking will go to you. Or, even better to your mother or grandmother.

Here's some photos to make you think about it....

See more here:

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