Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Cane and Label

Last week, POTUS 47 held his 5th State of the Union Address before Congress, or at least the body pretending to be Congress. It's more like a cartwheel of revolving tongues and rubber stamps ready to service Trump at his beck and call.

Like all his previous State of the Reich addresses. This was, from what I hear,  two hours of non-stop classic (meaning false) Trump chestbeating.

"America is back baby. We're hot again. Everybody wants to be here. But we got here first and the rest of you losers can kick rocks. USA, USA, USA!!!!" 

This despite the chaos caused by Elon Empty Husk, picking a fight with Canada, our most faithful ally that shares a gazillion mile wide open border with us, and the ping ponging tarriff/no tarriff policy that continues to whipsaw the investment community. And has me questioning the wisdom of purchasing an expensive comforter for my airbnb.

One Congressman from Texas, the honorable Al Green, could stand no more and made his sentiments known. Unlike his GOP brethren, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Joe Wilson who rudely interrupted addresses given by Biden, he was unceremoniously escorted from the room. And unable to participate in the Dem's big flag planting challenge: holding up little plastic placards. Damn.

This morning, I happened to catch Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's remarks regarding her colleague Al Green and his "Pimp Cane." 

Oh yeah that's how she referred to it, hence the bolded type for enhanced protestation. If I had a meaningless little placard, I'd be holding it up.

Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive to this because as of this moment I have weaned myself off the walker and now depend on the cane I found in my closet when my Uncle Ronnie was recuperating from his double knee replacement. 

I wonder if Bobbin' Boebert would refer to mine as a Pimp Cane?

I suspect not. 

Because to this cretinous piece of White Trash (who has no business being anywhere near the levers of power, as perfunctory as they currently are) I suspect it has far less to do with the shape, material or craftsmanship of the cane itself, and more (obviously) with the melanin content of the man or woman in need of the walking stick.

You would think that a rookie Congresswoman who got caught pink-handed, churning for manbutter with her boyfriend at a fully packed theater and then forced to switch Colorado districts to eek out a reelection victory, would have the good sense to sink into the shrubbery (a la Sean Spicer) and maintain a low profile for the rest of her worthless days. 

You know, to remain in the good graces of her Pimp.

"Not good Lauren. Elon and I do the highly offensive racial remarks. You're job is to stay out of the headlines and make me and President Musk look good. Understood? Now gimme my money bitch."


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