Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday Photo Funnies, circa 2025

Happy to bring you the first Thursday Photo Funnies of 2025. Which is no great shakes considering it's only the second week in January. Which means we have one more week to exercise our Freedom of Speech before the UnWoke Arise. And the purge of anything enlightened goes into action.

The shot above, by the way, was taken the day after the tragic fires that have consumed the Southland. My palm tree -- technically it belongs to the city -- and others on my street hadn't been trimmed since Dan Quayle had been the second stupidest buffoon in the White House.

Let's get to the kitschy pictures, I hear my not-so-voracious followers mouthing. 

As an aside, I find it fascinating that my first introduction to world of art and design (kitsch) came from my gruff, raised-in-the-streets of the Bronx, CPA father who didn't graduate college until I was 9 years old. And who was decidedly unartful.

This is the inside of my brand new LG 901.
It's Cobalt Blue. Did you know product names
that end in numbers are better than those that don't. 

I don't post enough pictures of friends. That's Matt B. and Nic Y.
Either because I'm laughing too much (at my stupid jokes.)
Or, I've been overserved.

In the continued spirit of Dostadning (Swedish death Cleaning) 
I came across these long lost baby pictures of myself and my younger brother.

These are babies of the gargoyle kind.
Zoom in for a creepy look at how folks in Palm Springs
cope with 'brain burn.'

Speaking of Palm Springs, feast your eyes on
that new garage door, powered by the LiftMaster 720.
I'm in the midst of Entryway Euphoria.

This wasn't on my phone but I screengrabbed it for later use.
That later... is now.

What would a TPF be without at least one
dig at New Fuhrer.

Okay, two.

Finally, there's this sad but true (I hear) commentary
on getting less younger. Mmmmm, mentholated....

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