Thursday, January 23, 2025

DOTUS -- Dictator of The United States of America

It doesn't happen often -- actually, it's never happened -- but I find myself in violent agreement with Der Fuhrer Donald Trump.

After a calamitous first week back on the throne, it's hard not to draw the same conclusion about the servicewoman and servicemen who fought for our freedom in WWII.

That very first week saw the pardon of 1300 traitors who defiled our Constitution because they lost an election they FEEL they should've won.  At the inauguration we saw the power of the people hijacked by the power of the tech bros. And to top it off, we saw the richest and most undeserving man on the planet flash a full-throated, unmistakable Nazi salute.

Not once (to own the libs), but twice.

I know I swore myself to a ban on any Trump news, but there can be no doubt we find ourselves on a slippery slope ending in a cold 1942 lime pit of authoritarianism. And my oversized sense of justice and outrage make it impossible to stay silent.

I know, perhaps better than many, that there is no way to sway a rock ribbed Republican. Especially the ones that carry around a portable Constitution in the pocket of their brown shirt while blathering about how "President Trump was picked by Jesus and can do whatever he wants." 

But maybe, just maybe, they will listen to the voices of their grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles, who hit the pause button on their lives. Not to fight for lower priced eggs. Or the right to watch girls dance on Tik Tok. Or the right to wish neighbors a Merry Christmas (but only Merry Christmas.) 

No, they sacrificed everything to stop a madman 5000 miles away who was slowly decimating an advanced democratic culture and seizing power for himself and his perverted evil cronies. 

A hateful runt of a man hellbent on persecuting others (Jews, Gays, Slavs, Disabled, etc.) who didn't fit the default mold or look like they had come out of Central Casting. 

A greedy, morally bankrupt monster who envisioned a reign of 1000 years by exploiting the labor and stealing the resources of other countries, perhaps even Greenland.

Any of this sound familiar?

So yes, all those Murphys, Espositos, Johnsons, Goldbergs, Hernandezs, Kims, Zachowskis, and more, were Suckers. They wrongly believed they were fighting for a cause and a dream that was shared by all Americans. 

And they were Losers, because the war they thought they won in 1945 was lost 80 years later.

Sieg Elon!

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