Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Sanity Claus

I got home from my extended Thanksgiving out in the desert to find my neighbors across the street had put up a unique Christmas decoration. 

BTW, I hope you had a great holiday, I had the pleasure of spending some quality, as well as the obligatory not-so-quality, time with my two grown daughters, who have inherited their late mother's superior cooking skills. I won't bore you with the details about the pan-roasted Brussel Sprouts, the twice baked macaroni & cheese or the homemade apple crumble.

I knew upon seeing the inflatable Black Santa, I would have to do a blog post about it. To which my youngest daughter said, "Dad, no, you shouldn't write about Black Santa."

Even after all these years they fear I'm going to say the wrong thing. But I refuse to be intimidated about writing posts on touchy topics, like race, politics, money, religion and the proliferation of Facebook videos glorifying porn stars. 

OK, I'm not going near the last one.

So here's what I have to say about 13 foot high inflatable Black Santa -- I LOVE IT.

I love it, because Megyn Kelly would HATE it. 

Maybe some of you are too young or don't remember, but Ms. Kelly was once a Fox News (HA) anchor, aka bleach bottle blonde. That was before she got thrown under the Jeffrey Epstein bus, co-owned by Roger Ailles. 

In 2013, Megyn went on national TV to declare, quite forcefully and with all the gravitas one would associate with the standard bearer of journalism, that, "Santa Claus was a white man!" 

Excuse me while I retrieve some paper towels and some 409 to clean the coffee spray from my keyboard as even typing that tripe caused me to do a spit take. And this is a dozen years after that lobotomized bimbo took her self righteous stand.

If there are any children in the room, you may want to ask them to leave. Because here's the thing, Santa Claus is a fictional character. He doesn't exist. He's not white or black. He's not even a man. If he were a man he'd be roughly 200 years old and surely shitting in his red flannel pants. And who wants to clean that up. Not Mrs. Claus, she's got a bad back. Maybe because she's over 200 years old too.

Santa Claus is spun from whole cloth. Just like his flying reindeer. Including the whiny one with the red nose.

It's more than ironic that the people who chide liberals and Democrats for engaging in identity politics are the same folks who vociferously claim the caucasoid nature of Santa and are willing to fight anyone who says, or thinks otherwise. 

Santa Claus is a figment of someone's imagination. To assign him, and I assume Mrs. Claus, a particular skin pigmentation would be like saying Moby Dick also drove a bus. Or that Dracula had asthma. 


Moreover, and more seriously, the assertion of his melanin-free complexion contributes to a linguistic form of racism that reinforces this distorted and hateful notion that whiteness is the optimal skin color to which all others must default to. 

Make no mistake, it's purposefully divisive. 

I have a newsflash for Ms. Megyn Kelly the newswoman: Santa Claus is no more white than Jesus was.

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