Wednesday, November 20, 2024

News, 2.0

Not that we are going to do anything about it, but Ms. Muse and I spend a lot of time talking about new business startups. We also spend a lot time discussing our next vacation trip. And as you might have guessed, vacation plans are much more fun and lend themselves to better flights of the imagination.

Beachfront living (if only for a week) with unlimited rum punch >>> Xcel sheets and P&L prognoses.

Because we are both at an age, as some would say, we thought there is a huge business to be had helping lovelorn men assemble an effective profile page on the myriad dating sites. 

Not that I'm an expert on the matter but I'm told my initial profile page was head (albeit, bald) and shoulders amongst the many hopeful suitors.

They, again I'm being told this, likely contained shirtless photos and more often than not, a picture of a man, holding in his breath, and peacocking before the camera with the latest bass, trout or marlin, snagged from the nearest body of water.

Given how clueless men are about things that interest women, rom-coms, astrology and all manner of bedding & linens, and given how men are so eager to beat out other male members of the herd, it would not be difficult to have them part with some significant shekels for any much needed aid.

The other possible business we've talked about is closer and dearer to my heart.

Many of us, I'm assuming millions, have recently abstained from the news, be it in print, social media or even MSM and the nightly broadcasts of CNN and MSNBC. It's been a full two weeks since the Electile Dysfunction of 2024. And for someone who ate freely at the smorgasbord of news that kept us abreast of all the latest GOP and Democrat foibles, it has not been easy going cold turkey.

That's not to say that I haven't felt less stressed and angsty about life, I have. And in many ways it's wonderful. I do not miss his ugly pock marked bloaty face. His bleach blonde head merkin. And his signature tiny hand gestures that are more befitting a high school junior running for student body council.

But, I don't like the feeling of being uninformed. Though half the country seems to revel in it. 

The same folks who sing the celebration of capitalism but don't seem to know that the government is not responsible for grocery prices. The market is. The forces of supply & demand are. And because the nuances of macro-economics are far more nuanced than their tiny brains are capable of processing. 

But they don't care about any of that, because their guy bellowed louder. And affordable eggs and bacon trump democracy.

He will continue bellowing even louder for the next 4 years. Surely, Ms. Muse and I thought, there's gotta be a way to deliver the news without mentioning or referring to the Insurrectionist Assbag determined to be our own American Dictator -- Kim Jung Trump, as it were.

I wish the powers that be at MSNBC, where ratings have nosedived, would heed the call. They have smart people like Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Ari Melber, not to mention a stellar cast of pundits like Andrew Weisman, Joyce Alene, Beschloss and Baker. These are people I respect, even though their naive opinions turned out to be wrong, thanks to ingrained GOP corruption. They weren't dishing out disinformation they simply had too much trust in the proletariat. And the system.

Keep these intelligent professionals and journalists. Just filter out everything that has to do with Captain Ouchie Foot and I'll come back. 

I suspect, millions of others will too.

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