Monday, September 16, 2024

A dog in this fight

This is my dog Lucy. Here we see her sleeping on my next door neighbor's couch. These are my good neighbors. I know I write about some of the awful inconsiderate people who live in close proximity to my curmudgeonliness, but L. and G. are the complete opposite.

On occasions when I can't take Lucy on road or when Ms. Muse and I boarded the SS Zaandam to explore Alaska's Tracey Arm Inlet, my good neighbors offered to house Lucy. She's such a sweet and quiet dog that needs nothing more than food, water and love. L. and G. often tell me, "we love her, we'd watch her for free."   

Oftentimes when I return home, I have the distinct feeling they don't want to bring Lucy back to me. Not only is she a beautiful dog she is incredibly lovable. 

Sometimes I just want to eat her up. (Oh you must have seen that coming.)

Yes I'm still giddy about last week's "presidential" debate. 

And kvelling over yet another quote from our stable genius ex-president that will be recorded in the official archives for history and posterity's sake. I pity the poor historians of the future who, between facepalming and kneeslapping, will find themselves laughing uncontrollably at, "They're eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating family pets." 

That one will rocket above the other classics:

"Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV."

"I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."

"He said I looked like his daughter and wanted me to spank him with a Forbes Magazine."

I imagine that when it comes time for future scribes to detail the catastrophic years of the Trump regime including the four years when he held the GOP hostage in absentia from Mara Lago, there will be a lot of fact checking. As so much of what he has said or done will not pass the smelly diaper test.

To that end I have set aside funds and instructed my daughters to post-humously remove one digit from my left pinky. With just enough DNA so that future scientists may reconstruct me and access my personal  Trump hard drive. Future me will be ready to dispense all the tea...

"Yes he did that."

"Yup. he said, 'one of the wettest in terms of water'."

"Right at the eclipse"

"Paper towels? To hurricane victims? Yes."

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