Thursday, August 29, 2024


My neighborhood is changing. Seemingly all at once.

A couple of weeks ago I told you about the hoarder house up the block. It was something right out of a reality TV show. In a neighborhood of multi-million dollar homes  (only because of our convenient Westside location) it was the residential equivalent of a landfill.

In fact the workers who were tasked to clean up on the house after it had been foreclosed and the older couple who had been "living" there had been evicted, told me, "I've been foreclosing on dumpy houses for more than 25 years, this one was by far the worst I have ever seen. I still can't get the smell out of my nostrils."

They invited me in to see the cleaned up version. I passed.

A few doors down, in the more habitable section of Le Bourget Ave. -- named after the airport where famous antisemite/pilot Charles Lindbergh landed the Spirit of St. Louis -- another young couple just moved out in search of larger space for their growing family. I didn't know them, but loved seeing them walk their toddlers up and down the street.

Next door to them, there was an elderly couple, I assume elderly, truth is they could be my age. I have trouble with this when I see people who could be 66 (like me) but because of their sedentary nature, appear to be 20 years older. I suspect someone passed away and the house appears to be empty.

Finally, my next door neighbor, the ones with the big dog that had started barking at all hours of the night, are moving out. The house, a beautiful two story Spanish house, has been listed and soon moving trucks will be arriving. 

Naturally I'm thrilled.

If you'd like to be my next door neighbor, I'm happy to provide details. That is if you're quiet, don't have any barking dogs and wont trim the one tree with heavy foliage that permits me to enter my backyard jacuzzi in my Rich Siegel Birthday Suit.

I won't be popping any champagne however, until the nocturnal, fireworks-firing, power tool-abusing, fabulously-dysfunctional folks on Motor Ave -- the street behind us -- bug out. 

They, and their angry German Shepherd, that has been barking non-stop since  1:37 AM, October 13, 2015. 

I'm saving a bottle of Dom for that.

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