Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Trump fought the law and Trump won

It has been a banner week here in the Un-United States of America. Not even 7 days after our incumbent and decent human being of a president took the stage to debate a known fraud, sexual abusing felon and fell apart like a poorly timed souffle, we had our Supreme Court put an end to the standing maxim that, "No man is above the law."

Because apparently one is. 

One obscenely grotesque man with more money than brain cells has purchased himself a Presidential Get Out of Jail Free Card. 

Unironically, this is the same Supreme Court that cleared the way for justices in the highest court on the planet to accept, tips. You know for superior service and beyond the call of duty sycophancy.

I have often said that Americans have yet to tally the untold damage Herr Trump has inflicted on our nation, now a nation that belongs to 74 million witless cultists. 

Not only has he sullied the office of the Presidency, with two impeachments, a call to Insurrection, and the less than peaceful transition of power, now he has shit all over the judicial branch. Figuratively and semi-literally.

I don't know about you but I have always respected our Supreme Court. Averse to the political machinations of Congress and the Executive wing, the court has (mostly) done what it could to put the country on the right path. Not always, but these esteemed judges gave us Roe v. Wade, they reversed Plessy v. Ferguson, and in Obergefell v Hodges, they granted gay people the right to marry.

Why the fuck would gay people need anyone's permission in the first place?

It's funny how the party of small government and individual liberties goes out of their way to stick their noses into people's business. I never got a law degree, though now I wish had just to raise bloody hell in a courtroom (as opposed to shouting uselessly at my keyboard. 

The rulings coming from this iteration of the Supreme Court are the worst in our nation's history. I feel sorry for Kagan, Sotomayer and Jackson, who have penned quality dissents in defense of freedom in America. And will forever be stained by their association with...I don't even want to type their names and give them that much dignity.

But consider this, of the nine sitting judges, one was seen flying political flags in support of Trump's election denial. And the other, was and still is, in the pocket of billionaires who can apparently buy a decision in exchange for an RV and some fishing lures. I'm looking at you, "Clearance" Thomas.

As a result, belief in the law and reverence for the law have fallen. And they can't get up.

Unless something drastic happens, like 74 million Americans waking up.  

Happy Independence Day

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