Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My wife hung the traitor flag

Perhaps I shouldn't be doing this. Or perhaps my mind is clouded by anger, frustration and unprecedented powerlessness that I've just thrown all caution to the wind as well as any sense of self-regulation to give a shit whether I should or shouldn't do something. 

Nevertheless, I'm going to write about this, because frankly, our country is on fire!

Last week it was reported that this upside down flag, a symbol of distress that was used by the Stop the Steal (Pfffffffffffffft) folks shortly after the January 6th Insurrection, in 2021, was flown at the home of Samuel Alito. 

In short, a federal judge, who was sworn to political non-partisanship, was openly and unethically displaying the opposite. And not just any federal judge, this was a Supreme Court Justice, you know the ones who gleefully take on a godly appearance. And have a seat on the bench until the day they die. 

Or until they've successfully brought about the death of this country.

Mind you this is the same bench where Supreme Court Justice Clarence "I've got a big Winnebago" Thomas sits. In case anyone has forgotten, his wife Ginnie was actively egging Presidential Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (recently indicted in the Arizona Fake electors case) to overturn the results of the 2020 election. 

And I've got the receipts to prove it. OK, I don't have them, but Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the incriminating texts to prove it. 

But none of this out in the open criminality seems to matter anymore. Why? Because the DOJ has been weaponized. Not against our esteemed former president, but FOR him.

To wit, the 9 Supreme Court justices are weighing the matter of a president having "Total Immunity", making permissible anything and everything he or she does outside the not-so-long reach of Johnny Law. And 2 of those 9 judges are already in the bag -- they should be in the clink.

No other president in our 248 year history has ever claimed to have Total Immunity. 

But then no other former president has ever blackmailed a European ally in favor Russia, sexually abused and defamed a woman, found guilty of tax evasion and fraudulent business practices, sparked an Insurrection, attempted to throw out the votes of 81 million Real Americans and openly declared that would make himself a Dictator on Day One of his impending inauguration.

SFX: Striking a match

That's me lighting a new soy candle and asking Alexa to play some calming Spa Music.

The other day, Ms. Muse asked if I had given any money to the Biden campaign. I hadn't yet, but if money is what it takes to save this country, I will start now. 

Check out my new customized license plate frame for my new Ford EV.

I'm also thinking of painting a message on the roof of my house. Maybe that will pass.

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