Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hospitality 101

I was going to lead today's post with a photo of Conrad Hilton, the world's first international hotelier who amassed over $3.1 billion over his welcoming lifetime. But as you can see I didn't. I went with a picture of his great granddaughter, one time model. And one time, perhaps all-time, icon of blonde vapidity, Paris Hilton.

Why? Because attracting readers to blog posts is not dissimilar to attracting visitors to hotel properties, it's about curb appeal. Paris has some, Conrad an old white man -- now a dead old white man -- has none. 

After 15 years as a regular blogger, I believe I've surpassed Malcom Gladwell's litmus test for proficiency and have logged 10,000 hours ranting, raving, glibbing, venting, scambaiting, and generally mastering the art of advanced adolescent bloviating.

Whereas I'm generally new to the world of hoteliering. But I'm learning fast.

It's only been two months since the Mojo Dojo Desert Casa House has put out the welcome mat and I've already acquired two 5 Star reviews. Behold...

There would have been third, but the last guests damaged some furniture and refused to pay for the repairs when I requested it. 

Note to self: don't do that again.

I'm sure Conrad and his 11,781 properties on all seven continents experienced similar situations and had a guest break a lamp in Reykjavik or bust up a nightstand in Dagestan. I should just take the tax write off and move on with it. 

COB, I believe it's called by accountants and 99% of my family.

One thing I do know, from my other occupation as a copywriter, old Conrad and his Hilton gang, believed in advertising. So much so that they moved their crown jewel account around countless times, like an old Jewish woman demanding the right seat in a restaurant. I believe I crossed paths with the Hilton Brand at least three times in my unstoried ad career.

If he he had a blog, I have to believe old Connie would have also used that platform to drum up new business. Or as I say, "Changing the sheets means staying in the black." 

Maybe I need to re-think that one.

Let me know if you're interested in staying at the MDDCH (City ID# 5634). And let me leave you with the the thoughts of one more satisfied guest...

Editor's note: the astute among you will notice this note was written Media Arts Lab stationery. My daughter works there. And has been known to come home with the odd pen, pad or coffee mug. Sorry Omnicom, also, COB. 

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