Monday, April 1, 2024

He is Rizzing

I'm betting this has happened to all of us. 

You're sitting in a car dealership. Or maybe at Best Buy. Or maybe even stopping in to see an open house in the neighborhood. You meet the salesman/saleswoman/salesperson (this bit of wokeness costs me all of .1 tenth of a second, grow up snowflakes) who has all the right answers. Delivered in all manner of appropriateness.

And then a split second later, you say to your person, or your person, says to you let's get out of here. 

Why, you wonder?

"Why are we leaving?" you say.

"Just because."

"Because, why?" you further.

"I was just getting a bad vibe from this salesperson."

And with that the transaction, or potential transaction is over. And probably rightly so. We all have this innate sense that tells us something just isn't right. And it can be triggered by the most nuanced thing or body cue. It's been my observation that women are much better at picking this up than men, who can still be fascinated by a plastic singing bass.

For all that keen awareness however, there are still millions of women, and men, and people, who, come this November are willing to pull the lever for the most dangerous, power hungry conman to ever grace (disgrace) the American political stage. And the evidence couldn't be clearer.

But I'm not going to rehash his panoply of prosecutorial missteps. I've done that. pundits have done that. Even President Biden is starting to broadcast the list. 

None of it seems to sway his followers.

Instead I'd like to draw your attention to a recent response he gave regarding Easter, which 1/4 of the world's population celebrated yesterday. As I've made clear in the past, religion means very little to me. I see it for what is was and still is. A tool to wield power over those unwilling to do the critical thinking for themselves.

Nevertheless, if I'm going to be 'woke' with regards to gender fluidity, it's incumbent upon me to be equally respectful of people want to pray to Sky Daddy. Sorry. 

Here, in graphic form is what I'm talking about...

This is coming from the same man who could not/would not, quote a line of scripture from what he calls his FAVORITE book in the world. 

A man who referred to Two Corinthians. 

A man who eschews church going in order to pray at the First Teebox every Sunday. 

A man who paid $130,000 for sex with a pornstar while his wife was nursing his newborn spawn. 

A man who has embraced all 7 of the Deadly sins. And violated, multiple times, many of the Ten Commandments, including the very self-evidentiary "Thou shall not bear False Witness."

The same trading card/sneaker/cologne salesman who is now pimping $60 Bibles. You'd think a Bible Salesman would know what Easter is about. You'd think.

What about it? 

Are you getting that bullshit vibe yet?

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