Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Sad State of the Union

Several weeks ago, maybe it was months ago, maybe it was years ago, when you pen more than 3000 posts over the course of 14 years, it all gets very messy, I began a series of Things I Will Never Understand.

I covered a wide range of topics. 

Everything from phonographs (I still have no idea how a needle running over some grooved plastic can produce music or whatever that thing Kanye does) to foot fetishes. I know I shouldn't judge what gets other people off, but what the hell is it with feet? I have never looked at a woman's foot (left or right) and thought, grrrrrrr. 

More often than not, feet don't smell good either.

I seem to have walked off the path for a bit. 

But of all the Things I Will Never Understand, the one that came to light last week or maybe two weeks ago, was the recent revelations from Dominion's $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News. 

Since November 10th, 2020, the GOP, ex-Precedent Shitgibbon and the menagerie of millionaire mouthpieces at Fox have been pimping the idea that the presidential election was stolen. It was not stolen. Wild eyed postulations were made that dead people were voting, trunks of Biden ballots were brought in, and that trunks of Trump ballots were shredded and fed to chickens who were then incinerated in barnfires.

You may even recall the multi-million dollar Arizona Audit, which grew so desperate to find their "massive widespread evidence of fraud" that they started dissecting ballots in search of bamboo fibers which would somehow prove they were brought in from China. Because the theory went, the Chinese wanted Biden to be elected. 

Why would they want Biden when with the former "president' in office, they had an unwitting stooge who did nothing to stop the building of the New Silk Road, which extended Sino-influence to the furthest reaches of Africa. A former president who was more than willing to discuss military operations with them while dining on the most delicious chocolate cake.

But the real election Kraken came when they seized upon the opportunity to blame the results on voting machines manufactured by Dominion. The entire Faux News Enterprise got behind this one. And their red meat-eating audience ate it up. 

If I may mix metaphors, hook, line and sinker. 


Dominion working in cahoots with the DNC cooked up a dastardly scheme to magically change ballots as they were floating through the ether. Of course they never explained why Dominion/DNC would alter the presidential ticket but not the photo-finish races involving House and Senate seats.

They never explained it because it was all BULLSHIT. 

But don't take my word for it. Take the words and unearthed texts and emails from Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, indeed the entire cast of truth twisting misfits, who all called it bullshit. And then spread that manure all over their airwaves. Knowing full well their followers lacked the critical thinking skills to think otherwise.

If not for Fox, and their neo-fascist cohorts at NewsMax and OAN, pushing this horse hockey down the throats of millions, I would argue, the Insurrection of 1/6 would never have happened. 

But what puzzles me most is that even in the light of day, where there is smoking gun evidence that Fox and NewsMax and OAN, lied and willfully deceived a divided nation in support of an adulterous, tax cheating, scam university running Russophile, the folks donning the Red Hats keep coming back for more.

and more.

and more.

and more.

God help us.


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