I may be late to the AI party but that's only because the maid I had hired a few months ago is incapacitated now and I find myself with new additional housecleaning duties, which I'm discovering never seem to end.
How, I ask myself, can one man go through so many dishes?
Similarly, I ask myself, to cut down on laundry can I turn my underwear inside out or is that taboo?
Only now, I no longer have to ask myself those type of profound old bachelor guy questions. Now I have ChatGPT. To wit...
I'm sure this was not the intended use of Artificial Intelligence by the engineers, computer scientists, PhD's and nerdbots, when they began confibulating the flick flacks, dialing in the hyper-optimized javascript and solving quadratic equations that would shame the writers of the indecipherable Westworld.
But I am a simple man who has made a career of asking the simple, and often dumb, questions.
Sadly, however, the answers provided by ChatGPT, are of the anodyne variety. And seem to be ripped from the same Wiki pages which pass for research in our rigorless world of instant but useless data.
Then I decided to get a little more personal and solicit fashion advice from this creature whose father (or mother) often favors pocket protectors.
That is not say I won't be playing with it. I will. Particularly after this favorable exchange.
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