Thursday, May 12, 2022


Friends that know me and readers of this blog who don't, are familiar with my juvenile scatological bent. 

Hence the many posts about Caganers. The euphemism exercise that gave us, "He launched a lifeboat off the SS Assitania" or "There's been a prison break at the South Gate". And an entire post about installing my daughter's Tushy Bidet -- a real one not the one pictured above.

Last week, and I apologize for not recalling who, a friend shared a Linkedin job posting from the Tushy Bidet company. It seems they were/are looking for a Creative Director with a copywriter background, to help shower the airwaves about their brand and their tree-saving products. 

 I had to pinch myself and couldn't believe this was the real deal.

The job was in NY but they were willing to push the boundaries and consider candidates who could work remotely as long as they logged in at a decent hour. 

Keep in mind I'm perfectly happy with my current position and have no plans to abandon my seat. 

But just for shitz & giggles, I sent in my application which necessitated a demonstration that I could write in the Tushy tone of voice. An exercise for which I could have easily completed and indeed piled on, to unmentionable excess. 

To be honest I usually coil up with anger when a potential employer asks a candidate to work for free. 

So instead of putting my mighty expensive brain to work, I squeezed hard on the search engine and tracked down this predigested goodie from the past.

To date, my phone has not rung nor have any offers been deposited in my mailbox. But a part of me is clinging on, hoping against hope that one of my euphemistic phrases will be dropped into their literature and somehow make into poop culture.

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