Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Case 67291JK/l1.3 Siegel v. Captain Fuckknuckle

What would a week on RoundSeventeen be like without a post about Precedent Shitgibbon? We might have to wait a long time before my body and my brain are drained of all the toxins acquired over the last 5 years of his mind bending regime of terror and incompetence.

Until then I will continue to rail against this monstrous magpie of monumental mendacity. 

The bug that's currently up my ass and probably will be for a long time because it so accurately demonstrates the Trumpian Way is the healthcare plan. 

If you don't recall the specifics, don't worry because I do.

On June 19th, 2020, Captain Ouchie Foot did an interview with George Stephanopoulis. George pressed the "president" on his promised new healthcare plan. As they got in the backseat of the Beast and without a moment's hesitation, the 239 lbs. Shitforbrains GOP incumbent candidate said the plan would be presented in "6 weeks probably sooner, a lot sooner."

Two months later, it was not.

When Fox News' Chris Wallace pushed him on it, he indignantly stopped Mr. Wallace mid-sentence, "Excuse me, excuse me, the plan will be ready in two weeks. It's gonna be signed."

Again, it was not.

Then, weeks before the election, in which every major poll had him losing (Stolen election, my ass) Grandpa Ramblemouth made a last ditch attempt and agreed to do a town hall with George S. again. And again, George pressed him on the new Big Beautiful Healthcare Plan."

"It's ready, we're all ready with it. It's coming out momentarily."

That was October. 

Of last year.

You would think a super patriot like Donald J. Trump, the "hardest working president ever", according to his cultist base. A base who believes he is worthy of a "Noble prize" (sic). And a revered spot on Mt. Rushmore. And an unforgetful cameo in Home Alone 2. A man who always puts America First would hold a press conference and unveil this milestone achievement in healthcare management.

But he's too busy cracking wise about Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss and kicking his stolen presidential Titleist golf balls out of the rough grass an onto the fairway, to give a shit about dumb maskless Americans who will bring about a Covid 4th wave.

Here's the thing. 

That new healthcare plan, you know, the one that is more affordable than Obamacare, the one that guarantees coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, the one that will be the envy of the modern world, the one he has been working tirelessly on for oh so many years, doesn't belong to him, it belongs to us.

If I had the money and the wherewithal, I'd hire a team of ace lawyers and sue his sorry pockmarked 293 lbs. ass.

From all my years in advertising, I have a passing knowledge of Contract Law and Intellectual Property, though you'd be hard pressed to define anything I've written in the past 35 years as "Intellectual Property."

I know that all the ideas, all the notes, all the scripts and storyboards, I write or develop while being paid, by an agency or by a client, no longer belong to me. They belong to the people signing the check. All of it. It's theirs. That's the deal.

Similarly, this new big beautiful healthcare plan, developed while he was in the employ of us, belongs to us. Case closed, QED, Ipso Fatso. 

In short, "hand it over."

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