Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A few choice words on HATE

You'd think that on this fine January 6th, my wife's birthday, I'd have some loving words for the world. (I'll keep that private)

You'd think that on this January 6th, the day President Elect Biden is officially announced by the 117th Congress, I'd have some celebratory words for the world. (Let's hope this Congress remembers their oath to the Constitution)

But instead, I'd like to put forth a case for HATE.

As many readers of this blog know, my hatred for the current cockwomble in the White House burns hotter than a billion suns. Not our sun, which though large and really hot, particularly if there's a Santa Ana wind, I'm talking about the big suns.

Like that fucking hot.

Moreover, this searing hot hatred of mine, and it should be yours, is brimming with righteous justification. Not because of his actions of the last four years, but just what he has done in the last four weeks.

Set aside his violation of Federal Elections laws and the Stormy Daniels debacle.

Ignore his inveterate presidential lying that officially kicked off on Day One and the infamous "my crowd was bigger" affair.

Brush off the illegitimate claims of creating the best economy ever, despite never topping 3% GDP growth or bettering Obama's economy in any form or fashion.

And then, if it's possible, wipe clean the slate of all the colossal clusterfucks this diabolical douchebag has inflicted on this country: 

Russian interference with the 2016 election

Obstruction of Justice

The Muslim Ban

Appointment of unqualified judges (see Matthew Spencer Peterson)

Kicking people off Obamacare

Enabling Kim Jong Un

Bowing down to Vladimir Putin

Dropping the Covid Meat in the Dirt

etc., etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam


Let's just take it from November 7th, the day the presidential race was called and Joe Biden was announced the new President Elect.

Captain Assnapkin was unable to muster up the humility to accept the loss. My daughters, who are sometimes given to excessive melodrama, have far more character. 

I hate him for that.

Grandpa Ramblemouth then accused our new President with cheating and skullduggery without a shred of evidence to back up his scurrilous charge. 

I hate him for that.

Retreating to his room to pout, and scheme, and whine, and then pout some more, Precedent Shitgibbon seemed to forget that in the shadow of this landslide electoral loss (306- 232) 20 million Americans have contracted Covid. And more than 350, 000 of our fellow citizens lost their lives. Not once has he ever addressed this deep hole in the American soul, that he dug with a shovel that is covered in blood. No hospital visits. No funerals attended. Not a single word of empathy. But lots of feet-stuck-in-cement dancing.

I hate him for that.

And now, with vaccines sitting in cold storage, and more and more Americans contracting the virus everyday, including my sister-in-laws family, he mocks Dr. Fauci. He fails to address the urgency of wearing a mask. And instead of hunkering down in the Situation Room with his top CDC and NIH advisors to undo the bottlenecks and speed up delivery of these lifesaving shots, he chooses to invite thousands of people to super spreader rallies in Georgia and encourages White Supremacist agitators to fill the streets of Washington DC.

I hate him for that.

But perhaps most galling is the fact that with 14 days left and the opportunity to "act" presidential at least once, this worthless, narcissistic, inhuman fat fuckknuckle opts to do this...

Yeah, I hate him.


Editorial Note: this blog was written before we heard the criminal phone call with Georgia Secretary of State and his lame attempt to steal an election while whining about someone else stealing an election. God I HATE this fucker.


Editorial Note #2: this blog was written before mobs of thugs and white trash political numbnuts, egged on by Captain Assnapkin, stormed the capitol building and tried to grab the pussy of Democracy.

F U C K  T R U M P ! ! ! 

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