Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Happy Blogday



Ever in my tiny bourbon-addled brain did I ever think that RoundSeventeen, home of the curmudgeon muffin™, would be marking ten straight years of publication.

Actually, I'm a little premature with the timing (insert your own joke here), Friday will be the official ten year demarcation.

But as the 8 regular readers of this blog know, I don't normally put out a new post on Fridays. Our 8 regular readers also know that Wednesday is reserved for an update regarding my initiation into the illustrious Illuminati (who, by the way, now accept Bitcoin.)

And Thursday is spoken for with another thrashing letter to our esteemed Republican Senators. I believe we are up to letter #48, so that endeavor is coming to a close.

To be followed shortly thereafter with many annoying announcements about the forthcoming letter compilation book, tentatively titled, "Mr. Siegel Writes to Washington." 

I'm not sure I have ever done anything for ten years in a row.

Being married to my wife comes to mind, but I'm pretty sure between the dirty clothes that don't reach the hamper, the toilet seat that never gets put down and the never ending stream of bad jokes and poor fashion choices, she would not feel as celebratory as one might hope.

I've also been lifting weights with the Body Beast program for about ten years. But I'm afraid that without the aid of photoshop, the results are less than stellar.

And so, uncharacteristically, I'm at a loss for words.

Suffice to say, there is no way you could enjoy reading these 2000+ posts any more than I have enjoyed writing them.

So, Thank you.

Hopefully in 2029, when we're celebrating 20 years, I will have something more profound to share.


Note: in honor of the occasion we are trying a new logo. Hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Rich.
    I've enjoyed all of your 2000 posts.
    Except for that one--written by that asshole from NY.
