Thursday, September 14, 2017

In search of 44 year old men

It's Thursday and most of you know what that means.

However, we also have a whole bunch of newcomers to Roundseventeen.

Thanks in large part to Tuesday's post, which sort of caught fire, went semi-viral in London and skyrocketed to the top of the heap -- the most viewed post in the 9 plus year history of this blog.

And so, to welcome new readers, allow me a moment to explain.

I have a penchant for scambaiting, that is messing with internet scams by getting the heads of those seeking to exploit others via the web. Years ago, I engaged with several Nigerian con artists and collected all the back and forth correspondence. I even turned it into my own book/website available here:

Lately, and for the last several weeks I have pointed my laser focus at -- an internet scamming site designed to separate lonely middle aged American men from their money.

I created a phony profile, under the name of David Goldstein, and have been having fun answering selected would be mail order brides.

With that, I give you the obscenely young Hai Bo.

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