Thursday, April 4, 2013

Measure twice, cut once

Perhaps it's only coincidental, but 4 days after the world celebrated Easter, we are witnessing the rise of another Jewish carpenter who is bringing love and hope to the weak and impoverished.

I'm talking about my daughter, who is now deep in the bayou country of Louisiana, along with 30 of her classmates, doing a Habitat for Humanity project. Word has it they are putting up scaffolding and beginning to frame out a new triplex that will house 3 families.

Naturally I couldn't be prouder. Or more skeptical. You see I have a hard time picturing my daughter with a Skillsaw in hand. She barely knows how to use a knife to scoop the rice onto her fork.

That's not say she doesn't have the genetic aptitude for carpentry, she does.

I happen to be unusually handy. For a Jew. Last week, for instance, I successfully mounted and installed this concave mirror near our driveway so that my wife could have a better view of oncoming traffic.

Which in no way compares to my father, who at one time designed and built a redwood sauna adjacent to the master bedroom. It looked a lot like this.

I'm not sure he ever used the sauna. He just liked being able to tell people he had one.

My daughter will be leaving New Orleans and coming home in a few days. I doubt they will have completed the house by then. Judging from the InstaGram pictures there's a lot more giggling and posing go on than any actual hammering and nailing.

But at least they'll get the foundation in.

And if my 17 year old daughter is willing to give up a week of her spring break to help other people, well then I like to think my wife and I have done a good job with her foundation.

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