Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Orchestrating Intuitive Synergies

I love doublespeak.

Not necessarily the people who use it.
They're duplicitous.
And not worth the paper their resume is printed on.
But they do have a way with words.

It may not be my way, but I'll give them credit for taking command of the language (that's the part I love) and mastering it for their own devious ways.

Recently there was news in one of the industry trades about an ad agency that had just hired a new Digital Planning Strategist. Orwell would have had a field day with that kind of job title.

This particular Digital Planning Strategist, like many of his ilk, was accepting his 5th new job in as many years.

I was always told employers like to see some measure of stability in a candidate. But I'm sure this fast-thinking ninja had a rationale for his flightiness. I'm sure he prattled on about the need for agility and the ability to adapt to the marketplace's dinosaur-slaying fluidity. And, that his lengthy resume was simply a reflection of that philosophy.

Naturally I was curious about this young man's credentials and what made him so attractive to all these allegedly-intelligent organizations.

So I scoured the internet. Well, not really scoured. I googled his name and with very little effort at all, was able to find a lifetime's worth of achievements.

On one of his many social media pages, he reveals that he likes to "form groups, cultivate groups, actively engage group culture and develop groups to their full potential."

I don't have a fucking clue what any of that means. But maybe you're not like me. Maybe you know exactly what he is talking about. Congratulations, you'll probably be working for this ambitious go-getter in the next few months.

Here's a little tool that might help you in the future.

1 comment:

  1. //he likes to "form groups, cultivate groups, actively engage group culture and develop groups to their full potential."//

    Is his last name Manson?
