Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Have a Caganer

If you were to visit my house and come into my office you'd notice something new amongst all the clutter, paperwork and Apple paraphernalia -- my new Caganer.

I've written about the Caganer before and still can't get over the fact that folks in Catalonia take the time to adorn their Nativity Scenes with a little man launching a lincoln log.

But it's true. And recently, my friend Laurenne Sala was in Spain, traveling with, of all things, her mother. When she wasn't eating tapas, drinking beer or sampling the latest crop of Spanish bachelors, she took the time to stop at a souvenir shop and get me my very own Caganer.

I was so touched by this gesture.
No one, including my wife, has ever bought me a statue of a little man taking a shit before.

I don't know what else Laurenne brought back from Spain and the other European countries she and her proud mother visited, but I would love to have been a fly on the wall when she returned and went through U.S. Customs.

"Anything to declare?"


  1. Off topic, but check out this interview on the CA web site (especially the "what's the best headline of all time" question):

  2. Those are my people, Rich!
    We collect statues of all kinds of people laying Lincoln Logs.

    And that's probably why we are friends.

  3. In New York they call it a Rokerner.
