There is something foul and very fascist afoot. You can see it in this email blast I got from the Right is Right Coalition of Right Thinking Americans. Or some fakakta name cooked up by a group of khaki-pants wearing cyber incels working in the propaganda wing of Elon World.
Look at the very first word and how I am addressed by folks who have not been doing their homework and do not know of my sentiments towards anyone right of Mitt Romney.
That's not by mistake. And I know it's not a mistake because the word appears on many of the Goebbels-inspired emails I receive from the various branches of the GOP. Read the three paragraphs. They repeat the word Patriot three times. That's also not a mistake.
It's ripped from the pages of Marketing 101 and has given such ad gems as "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty...Liberty."
Just like they have done with the American flag, mine, by the way, is still standing in front of my porch. Maybe Ole Glory will buy me some valuable minutes to escape the paddywagons when the Red Hats/Brown Shirts come to round up any non-patriots (Jews, Gays, Hispanics, and The Blacks, as Trump likes to call them).
If you've gotten this far, you can assume you too are in this mix, which shockingly outnumbers the assclowns who don the Red Hats and declare their patriotism as if they are putting greasepaint on their face in preparation for a football game.
It's that fucking shallow.
Now, they are appropriating the notion of patriotism in the same boisterous and child-like manner as they absconded with the American flag. And they are fetishizing the concept in the same exact way.
Why? Because the people who are so opposed to identity politics (so they say) are seeking to "otherize" folks who don't share their twisted agenda as non-patriots.
These are troubling and Orwellian times we live in and must survive. Truth is, I will pit my Patriot bonafides against of the twisted twatwaddles masquerading as the same.
Unlike them, I believe in the Rule of Law.
Unlike them, I can name the three branches of government.
Unlike them, I know the Constitution and can name the amendments, not just the second.
Unlike them, I can find Russia, China and even the Gaza Strip on a map.
Unlike them, I have more allegiance to and, more at stake in, what Ronald Reagan called the "Shining City on the Hill" then they can ever imagine.
I am an American Patriot. They are neither.
Also, just to put a finer point on this, in what world is the dime-a-dozen, bleach-bottle-blonde truth butcher pictured above, STUNNING? The words coming out of her mouth make her UGLY.